
Scuttlebutt definition
Scuttlebutt definition

Skull and Crossbones: A human skull above two crossed bones, used on pirate flags and bottles of poison. This choice was made for simplicity the definition of master. As in, “Well, shiver me timbers, it’s the Captain’s ghost after all!” Observe that the MI format defined above restricts each party to having only one IP address. Shiver me timbers: A reference to the wood of a boat “shivering” or rocking with a sudden, unexpected gust of wind, it is an expression that indicates surprise. As in, “Once the storm passed, Davey managed to get his sea legs for the remaining six weeks of the journey and did not get sick again.” Sea legs: The ability to keep from getting seasick when out at sea. scuttlebutt pronunciation and definition English and American Spelling with naturally. report rumor grapevine scandal earful talk gossip Rhymes with. It has more than 500,000 word meaning and is. Examples 'the divorce caused much gossip' Related terms. scuttlebutt (n.) also scuttle-butt, 1805, 'cask of drinking water kept on a ship's deck, having a hole ( scuttle) cut in it for a cup or dipper,' from scuttle 'opening in a ship's deck' (see scuttle (v.2)) + butt (n.2) 'barrel.' Earlier scuttle cask (1777). This dictionary helps you to search quickly for Filipino to English translation, English to Filipino translation. Sea Dog: A pirate, especially an experienced older one. 1 noun a report (often malicious) about the behavior of other people. Scuttlebutt: A term used to describe gossip, but originally the drinking fountain on a ship. Commonly used to describe someone who is nasty, mean or disliked, as in “You scurvy lass, you’ll get none of this treasure.” Scurvy: Originally, a disease with symptoms that includes swollen gums and spots on the skin, brought on by a lack of Vitamin C. scuttlebutt synonyms, scuttlebutt pronunciation, scuttlebutt translation, English dictionary definition of scuttlebutt. noun scuttlebutt (formerly) a cask of drinking water aboard a ship 0 See all 9 definitions of scuttlebutt. A collection of gossip, scuttlebutt, and odds and ends from our reporters notebooks. “That scallywag traded me empty coconuts for safe passage to shore.” The scuttlebutt was that when the base commander, a bird colonel, found out that Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio had a sergeant who made the best pies in the entire Air Force, he demanded that the sergeant be transferred to Louisiana. Not necessarily an evil do-er, but someone out for their own personal gain.

scuttlebutt definition

For pirates, specifically against a ship’s captain, but can be used to describe any act of rebellion (Warning: It’s possible that the teaching of this word could lead to a “mutiny” against Brussel sprouts.) Matey: What pirates call each other/fellow shipmates. As in, “The lion once was lily-livered but now has found his cuh-raygh.” Land lubber: A person who does not have much experience at sea or who cannot sail.

Scuttlebutt definition free#

Can be used to declare mayhem, especially when grade schoolers are set free to recess. noun 0 1 Advertisement (naut.) A drinking fountain on shipboard.

scuttlebutt definition scuttlebutt definition

noun 0 0 (informal, uncountable) Gossip, rumour, idle chatter. Kraken: a legendary sea monster, some what like a large ocotopus or squid, that lives in the waters off the coast of Norway. (nautical, countable) A butt with a scuttle, a keg of drinking water with a hole cut in it, on board ship.

scuttlebutt definition

As in, “Drink all the grog again and we’ll keelhaul ya.” scuttlebutt meaning and definition: Noun: scuttlebutt. A cask on a ship used to hold the day's supply of drinking water. Keelhaul: to punish by dragging under the ship and up the other side. English Dictionary :scuttlebutt meaning, scuttlebutt definition, scuttlebutt Slang, what does scuttlebutt mean scuttlebutt Meaning Slang, scuttlebutt meaning,slang,pronunciation,translation and example. scuttlebutt synonyms, scuttlebutt pronunciation, scuttlebutt translation, English dictionary definition of scuttlebutt. Jolly Roger: The infamous skull and crossbones flag, which was flown to warn “here there be pirates.” The instruction is designed to improve performance and morale by helping the Navy develop a Common Gouge Picture, instead of its current standard of allowing E-4s and O-2s fleet-wide to dictate what disconnected crap the CNO is reading in his office every morning.Īccording to the instruction, RUMINT is “single-source information strictly intended for the purpose of sowing discontent, or for allowing that one seaman to act like she’s totally in the know.”Īs an example, the instruction cites RUMINT spread by a yeoman in Yemen that a frigate would be stationed at the North Pole since all the ice melted there.Jetsam: Cargo or goods cast overboard on purpose, to lighten the ship’s load. OPNAV Instruction 9710894.666, Understanding and Disseminating RUMINT, Scuttlebutt and Gouge, was released to wide acclaim by previously-confused seamen and uncomprehending junior officers. WASHINGTON - The Chief of Naval Operations today published a long-awaited instruction clarifying the difference between rumor intelligence, scuttlebutt and gouge.

Scuttlebutt definition